
The three phases of the Ideal Protein Protocol are designed to help you set, achieve and maintain your weight loss goals. During the Weight Loss Phase of the Protocol, we limit carbohydrate intake to encourage the body to turn to its fat stores for energy. By eating Ideal Protein foods, the Protocol helps to sustain muscle mass while teaching you how to develop smarter eating habits and lifestyle choices, to help maintain your weight after weight loss is achieved.
The Ideal Protein Protocol cost on average about $15 a day, which includes the cost of the foods and the supplements. We encourage you to think of the cost of the Protocol as part of your grocery bill. Redirecting average food expenses to different, healthier options often results in the Protocol being neutral in cost.

One time Consultation fee is $250. We always have a 2 for 1 promotion.
Vegetarians can follow the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol and can consume eggs, fish or tofu during their evening meal for their whole protein. As an alternative, vegetarians can have 2 Ideal Protein foods for dinner in replacement of their whole protein. Ensure you review the ingredient list on all boxes before purchasing them. Strict vegans, who do not consume any animal proteins and animal by-products, such as dairy products, honey and so on, do not qualify to follow the Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol due to the many dietary restrictions.
The Ideal Protein Weight Loss Protocol addresses weight issues at their source; reducing carbohydrates and fats while ensuring adequate daily protein intake. In other words, the goal is to lose fat, not muscle. While on the Protocol, through personalized coaching, you’re also provided with healthier lifestyle education so that you are empowered to sustain your weight loss results over your life course.
Ideal Protein products can only be purchased in your authorized Ideal Protein Weight Loss Clinic or Center.
Many people are surprised to find out that exercise is actually limited to walking and stretching and some light toning while in the weight loss phase of our program.
Good question. Let’s turn this question around before we address the mechanics of the program (it is actually easy to follow!): Do you think your busy lifestyle and your inability to prioritize yourself is in some way connected to your weight gain overtime? For most people, the answer is a clear YES. Okay, now that we’ve got that clear and you know that finding a way to put yourself first will be required for you to not only lose the weight but more importantly, learn to keep it off, we can look at the ease and structure of the program.

Ideal Protein is a brilliant weight loss protocol in part because of its science but also its structured plan. At your first appointment, we will walk you through Phase 1 of the Ideal Protein protocol (the weight loss phase). You will know exactly what to eat and when to eat it. Part of the brilliance of the protocol is that it makes room for variety in your meals by choosing from a long list of vegetables and protein. You will not be bored. Instead, you will learn to enjoy whole foods in a way you never have before.

Traveling with the program can also be done with planning. Many of our clients have done this successfully. In fact, they have enjoyed tending to their busy travels without having to put so much energy into thinking about what to eat. Just following the program does the trick. The most important key to plan for with your busy life will be your weekly check in with your coach. Coaching is an essential part of our program so you will want to make room in your life for you and your 15 minute weekly check in. Check ins with your coach are also where you will plan your week ahead and trouble shoot for your busy life.

Remember, prioritizing yourself in the face of your busy lifestyle will be a key component of learning to maintain your weight in the long run.
The costs and expenses of Ideal Protein are absolutely affordable and, in many cases, can even help you save up on grocery shopping. If followed correctly under your coaches’ guidance, Ideal Protein will be your best ally for a sustainable food habit and lasting healthy lifestyle and most affordable way to lose weight compared to other weight loss programs.